Blue Access for Employers

Insure Oklahoma

Sign up for the state of Oklahoma's new premium assistance program.

Insure Oklahoma, otherwise known as O-EPIC (Oklahoma Employer/Employee Partnership for Insurance Coverage), is the first program of its kind in assisting those who might otherwise go without medical care. By participating in the Insure Oklahoma program small businesses owners, employees and their spouses may enjoy more affordable premiums. When combining their insurance plan with Insure Oklahoma, small businesses can save up to 60 percent on health care coverage costs for eligible employees.


To be eligible to participate in Insure Oklahoma, a business must:

  • Have 99 or fewer employees;
  • Be located in Oklahoma;
  • Offer a qualified health plan; and
  • Complete an application packet.

Learn more about Insure Oklahoma by calling Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oklahoma at (918) 551-3385. You may also visit the official Insure Oklahoma Web site .

Get a quote for your company's group health plan